
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Guns on a Train

No more electronics in public.
Okay this is a huge topic in this society now a days. Technology is advancing faster than any of us can imagine. But there needs to be a law, yes I said it, a law to limit the use of electronics in public. There have been multiple crimes, many of which could have been prevented had someone looked up from their device.
Just not too long ago, a man was caught on a subway camera with a gun. This is not a restaurant subway, but a real, train car subway. On the security camera you can see the man pull out the gun on a crowded train. Wave it around in the air, and even point it at the person across the aisle SEVERAL times. Everyone on the train was too caught up in their electronics to look up.
Towards the end of the train ride he still had the gun out. As the train came to a stop he pulled the gun out again and shot a man in the back of the head. Could this not be the wakeup call that everyone around the world needs to realize. If one person that day would have looked up, then they would have seen the gun, and been able to do something about it. Then the innocent man wouldn’t have had to die.
It is sad and depressing that it takes the death of an innocent human being, such as ourselves, for us to realize the danger of technology advancing so fast. That man did not deserve to die.
We need to set a law banning and type of technology in public unless being used to contact a loved one by calling not texting. The flaw of the law could be to allow the usage of technology in homes. But nowhere else. This could definitely lower the number of crimes that are committed. Back in the older days they never had to worry about technology. When you would be on a train, you would talk to the people around you, not sit alone and shun yourself off from the rest of the world. The use of technology is like a type of social acceptance. The thought of having to use it, to make ones self feel better about being alone. You need to put down the phone once in a while. A little sociability isn’t going to kill you.


  1. Kid, I want to apologize for my last comment. After reading this blog post I realized something I suspected after reading your reply and you saying you are a high school student. I realized you are a special needs student, not there is any thing wrong with that and that you blog once a week for a class, I am deeply sorry if I hurt your feels and meant no disrespect and I hope you forgive me.

  2. First of all, there would be no way to enforce this... It would be like trying to ban cellphones in school. What would be the punishment for using technology in public? Second of all if you have ever been on a train in a large city you would know that people often tend to mind their own business and look down just trying to stay out of things (I would assume people kept this attitude in the old days), and do you have any proof that they were engrossed only in their cell phones? I would bet many people were also reading a book or newspaper. I actually found a quote from the District Attorney of San Francisco stating that they were not only on their cell phones. "These people are in very close proximity with him, and nobody sees this. They're just so engrossed, texting and reading and whatnot. They're completely oblivious of their surroundings." I don't actually see how the advance of technology is associated to this event. "Smart Phones" have been around since 1993 so it's not the advance that would be the problem but the prevalence.
