
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Olympic Fears

In case you didn’t know, this coming World Olympic Games will be held in Russia. Only one problem is on the minds of Olympic officials now, that is, is Russia a safe enough country to hold the Olympics in? Lately for an unknown reason Russia has seen an increase in terrorism and not by an outside source, but an inside force. The latest strike from a terror group was just recently when a van exploded right outside of the province that is supposed to hold the upcoming Olympic Games killing six people.

            In response to this attack Russian Forces did do an anti-terrorism sweep of the area, hoping that it will secure to safely enough to hold the Olympic Games. But will this be enough? Soon thousands of the world’s greatest athletes will be there competing in a stadium that with one bomb could kill almost everyone. We will send hundreds of Americans over to participate and represent us in these games. We have lost so many Americans in the war on terror. Should this not be almost a warning to not just us but everyone?

            One bomb is all it takes for them to kill everyone there. One mistake by security not checking one bag. The minute that happens that is going to be the bag with the bomb.  Then when it does happen we will all be left scratching our heads. Then eventually the terrorist group will rise up and claim responsibility for the actions committed and the deaths caused. Claiming that there were plenty of warnings to all the countries to not enter Russia.

            It is in mu highest opinion we do not send our American athletes, who have worked so hard and so long to be in the position they are now over to another country that could possibly threaten their lives. All the time training and all the time fighting through the crowd to stand out, can be wiped away with the press of one button and twenty pounds of explosives, something easy to conceal.

            Before we go over to Russia there needs to be some serious security checks. It should be treated like an airport. Any and all signs of suspicion should be taken care of. Because I promise to you that the minute we or Russia are slacking off, will be the minute we lose hundreds of people all with the simple press of a button.

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